The name of this town derives from the sharp pointed form of its mountain - "acute"-. One of the towns comprised in the Cesanese land, Acuto affords the most stunning views, which take in the magnificence of the Sacco Valley and Roman countryside. According to the legend, the town was founded in 450 AD by the inhabitants of Anagni; however, evidence provided from archaeological findings suggests a date that is much more remote, probably pre-Roman.
Once the earldom of the Bishop of Anagni, it still holds the title “terra Acuti dominus”. For centuries, the town has had an economy predominantly based on agricultural and pastoral activities.
In the centre of Acuto stand the ramparts of a splendid medieval castle, which comprises one of the most important monumental structures in the town, whereas particular attention must also be given to numerous and elegant portals, which adorn the town. The Church of S. Maria di Acuto is also worth recalling; it is particularly noted for its 13th century wooden statue which bears the same name, (apparently a donation by Pope Boniface VIII), and which is currently on display in Rome's Museum di Palazzo Venezia. This church deserved the title of "anticlerical", because the supervisors of its restoration and stucco decoration sculptured a bas-relief in 1861-73, featuring an eagle (symbol of the Monarchy) that hurl itself on a crow (symbol of the Church).
Da ricordare, inoltre, la chiesa di S. Maria di Acuto, particolarmente notevole per l'omonima statua lignea del sec. XIII (forse dono di Bonifacio Vlll), che oggi si trova nel museo di Palazzo Venezia a Roma. Questa chiesa meritò il nome di "Chiesa Anticlericale" perché gli esecutori, che la restaurarono e ornarono con stucchi negli anni 1861-73, effigiarono in bassorilievo un'aquila (casa reale) che si avventa su un corvo (Clero).